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{{vm.company.WebsiteTitle || vm.company.title}}

{{vm.company.WebsiteDescription || vm.company.description}}

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{{ tech_category }}
logo:{{tech.technology}} CS logo

{{ tech.technology }} {{tech.version ? '(v: ' + tech.version + ')' : '' }} Rechercher des sites web en utilisant {{ tech.technology }}

{{ tech.description }}


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Company name{{ vm.company.companyName }}
Industry type{{vm.company.gbdType}}
Industry subtypes

{{ subType }}

NAICS-4{{ vm.company.naics4 }}
NAICS-4 Description{{ vm.company.naics4description }}
Location{{vm.company.address1City}}, {{vm.company.address1Country || vm.company.address1CountryCode}}
Location {{ tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tag.slice(1) }}{{ tagValue == 'yes' ? 'Miscellaneous' : tagValue.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tagValue.slice(1) }}
Rating{{vm.company.gbdRating}} based on {{vm.company.gbdReviews}} reviews
Trafficrank{{vm.company.centralityIndex | number }}
Language{{vm.company.languages.join(', ') | uppercase}}
Coordonnées du contact Obtenir crédits

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Address{{[vm.company.address1StreetName, vm.company.address1HouseNumber].join(' ')}}
City{{ (vm.credits===null || vm.credits.remainingCredits===null || !(vm.credits.remainingCredits>0) ) ? '' : vm.company.address1City }}
Telephone {{vm.company.phoneNumber1}}

Email {{vm.company.emailAddress1}}

Geo (lat, lon) {{ vm.company.address1GeoPoint.split(',')[0] }}
{{ vm.company.address1GeoPoint.split(',')[1] }}
VAT number{{vm.company.vatNumber}}
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