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{{vm.company.WebsiteTitle || vm.company.title}}
{{vm.company.WebsiteDescription || vm.company.description}}
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{{ tech.technology }} {{tech.version ? '(v: ' + tech.version + ')' : '' }} Rechercher des sites web en utilisant {{ tech.technology }}
{{ tech.description }}
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Company name | {{ vm.company.companyName }} |
Industry type | {{vm.company.gbdType}} |
Industry subtypes | {{ subType }} |
NAICS-4 | {{ vm.company.naics4 }} |
NAICS-4 Description | {{ vm.company.naics4description }} |
Location | {{vm.company.address1City}}, {{vm.company.address1Country || vm.company.address1CountryCode}} |
Location {{ tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tag.slice(1) }} | {{ tagValue == 'yes' ? 'Miscellaneous' : tagValue.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tagValue.slice(1) }} |
Rating | {{vm.company.gbdRating}} based on {{vm.company.gbdReviews}} reviews |
Trafficrank | {{vm.company.centralityIndex | number }} |
Language | {{vm.company.languages.join(', ') | uppercase}} |
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Address | {{[vm.company.address1StreetName, vm.company.address1HouseNumber].join(' ')}} |
Zipcode | {{vm.company.address1PostalCode}} |
City | {{ (vm.credits===null || vm.credits.remainingCredits===null || !(vm.credits.remainingCredits>0) ) ? '' : vm.company.address1City }} |
State | {{vm.company.address1State}} |
Country | {{vm.company.address1Country}} |
Telephone | {{vm.company.phoneNumber1}} {{vm.company.phoneNumber2}} {{vm.company.phoneNumber3}} |
{{vm.company.emailAddress1}} {{vm.company.emailAddress2}} {{vm.company.emailAddress3}} | |
Geo (lat, lon) | {{ vm.company.address1GeoPoint.split(',')[0] }} {{ vm.company.address1GeoPoint.split(',')[1] }} |
VAT number | {{vm.company.vatNumber}} |